Behavioral Disorders

Definitions and Criteria

The criteria for behavioral disorders in children differs from the criteria used to diagnose adults. Children are NOT miniture adults. A child's symptoms can appear radically different, or even contrary to, the way an adult can present. The majority of information on the behavioral disorders in this site are taken from the DSM-IV 4th Edition or the DSM -III (The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Other sources and copyrights have been acknowledged.
A lot of times more than one disorder occurs and this is called co-morbidity. An example of co-morbidity is when a child has ODD and Depression. More on co-morbidity can found at Dr. chandler's site Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
Obsessive/Complusive Disorder.
Conduct Disorder.
This used to be called Manic-Depressive Disorder